Saturday, February 16, 2008

Say HI! to our new blog!

Hey people! ELDDS finally has a blog of it's own! WOOHOO! Hurray for Constance! Members, the Secondary3s are your bloggers. Therefore, for any CCA updates, you may refer to this blog for information w.e.f. March 1. As this is a new blog, please bear with us as the blog is still under construction.

Latest Updates:
15 Febuary 2008
Debate: HCIS vs. JSS. WE WON!
THBT fast food advertisements should be banned

3 cheers for our debaters: Nazira, Durga and Hairil!

I believe Constance would be updating us on the competition yesterday. As for the blog stuff, the bloggers will be filling it in gradually.

Good luck to our Sec4 debaters in THE ARENA! (Members interested to go and support the debaters may contact Joan our beloved President)

And the person with the honour to do up the first post is
Signing off

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