Saturday, February 16, 2008

the welcoming committee

Hey EL! Looks like we finally got our own blog, courtesy of me. (bleh) and with help from Mr.Shawn, who just happenned to be online. Wonder why this blog took so long to materialise... Anyway, this name is non-fussy and we suppose its very much a mouthpiece for ELDDS.

A little intro now: This url, elddspeaking, and the title, "The Voice of Us All", was picked simply because it represents a place for ELDDS to express ourselves and air our views and queries about any issue. Also, let's stick to his bloggie for communications, and in future, do refer to this little bloggie for meeting times etc. You may also post any questions here. Teachers are welcome to tread upon this sacred area too. And if any of you teachers are invited to this blog, it would be a great honour which you should remember for the rest of your life!

The official email address for ELDDS has been done up too. At the next EL session, we'll be enlightening you on the necessary info. Shawn would be doing up a skin, so lets all bear with the template for now. We'll explain the new items the Sec3s have came up with this year, including our dear Drabate!

When the skin is done up, and of course the tagboxes and whatnot, do give us links to your blogs, ladies and the gents =) Anything you would like to bring our attention to is completely welcomed. Pictures and videos should be posted too.

Alright! Now some housekeeping rules! Since its a blog, there should be freedom of expression... hmm...

Well, there really has to be some pretty cyber basic stuff:

1. Do not sabotage this blog (viruses, spams, or inviting a teacher privately, INCLUDING FLAMING)

2. Personalise your tags. Stuff has to come with your personal style! Type like you would, relax!We want you to be you. (bU+ plS D0 n0+ u$E +H1$!!! wEE cAn+ $Ee AnY+HinG!!!)

3. Rule No.2 is not applicable to blog posts like this one. Please try to use proper English for posts. After all, this is English- LDDS, not Singlish-LDDS. It is also difficult for easy reference. (Like, "ElDd$! +hEre w1LL b CcA @ 35o +0moR0!" is difficult to see. Misinterpretation may occur!)

4. Please be responsive and enthusiastic. And do not hide your identity by tagging "Anonymous: I'm a stranger" You have a name! (Nicknames acceptable too)

5. No gossips. Please do not line this blog with your dirty lining... and especially gossips about teachers.. (OOH!) You wouldn't want teachers coming to this blog and reading all this, and we'll all die =p

Why? It's very unprofessional and it tells people what kind of a person you are: an 'ahlian' or 'ahbeng' who has no life and thinks this is cool. It's ok to use short forms that are understandable, but not like this. Btw, do use fonts that we can see. don't make us die premature deaths by resulting in us staring at your bright yellow font against a bright yellow background.

Air your views, but don't be too scathing. It's not a nice thing to do, (like any of you are nice. -.-) Singlish is fine, but not too much, no overloads while still maintaing your Singaporean (or as they say, Sillyporean, status) "Bad words" are okay (NOT vulgarities), again keep it to a minimal. We're all human, and we understand. After all, if we're inviting teachers to this blog we MUST behave ourselves like little angelic creatures! HEHE.
In giving your opinions, you have to not be so judgemental and fair, and thank you constructive comments. Complaining but no constructive comments can drive people nuts. Well, on issues, do try to speak the truth as much as possible. Don't cross the line. Oh my, how difficult can that be!!!

Yeah ... diplomacy is good. Not only in the case of drama and debate, but also in this microphone that we can hear, and maybe some people invited.
Maybe we should have an invite system? Not a very good idea, cuz outsiders not from this school can't see what we have to say, and what happens if we want to be heard?

Of course on some occasions ... no. Be careful of what you say.

Other than being an announcemment thing, it is my wish that all members of the cca, regardless of level and position can create posts. It shouldn't be a "seniors only" talk section. It ain't fair to the juniors, ya? No one-ways ...
I'm so going to get into trouble for not making this clean, but I will stand by this no matter what explanation is given to persuade, like c'mon, it's a blog, ain't it?

Still, be careful of what you type; anyone can see it. Anyone can have an opinion and a response, Afterall, we are definitely more democratic than other places.

Soo yeah! LET'S KEEP THIS BLOGGIE GOING! DON'T LET IT DIE. Everyone's gotta put in a post sometime, and responses must be given, okay? Do take care of this baby.

(First draft by Constance, edited by Shawn, then edited by Constance and proof-read)

1 comment:

Yong Quan said...

Hmm... Shawn or whoever who done up the blog... Well done. If you need help with any blogging issues, I got contacts and I help wherever and whenever I possibly can. Thank you.

In God's grace,
Yong Quan