Saturday, March 8, 2008

CIP at JurongPoint: Charity Draw for Lakeside Family Centre

Yes guys! (and girls)

Yesterday was the CIP session that we all had to go to. Wasn't it fun! :P

Remember the selling of some draw tickets that entitles a chance to guess the number of balls in a car. Correct answer: wins the car.

The EL performance was exceptional! No unwilling faces were seen... (like some other CCAs...hehe)The eagerness to promote Lakeside Family Centre was observed, thus proving that ELDDS is not only a society for DRAMA and DEBATE, but we give our heart to the community as well!

Of course there were some UNFORGETTABLE incidences where the ugly Singaporean image reveals... With some aunties filping their hair into our faces when we approach. By holding the charity draw tickets in hand, a space of 1 metre around us would be vacant.

Ignorance, Rudeness and Excuses were the 3 biggest BIGGEST attitudes observed yesterday. There were some who literally stare at you like the weirdest alien on earth!

I wonder why Singaporean claim that teenagers are RUDE when at least they bother to say "NO THANKS!" and smile! It's the older and working generation that are the OBNOXIOUS ONES! (For example, like walking in the other direction, flipping their danruff all over you and staring at you like you're nude AHH!)


But of course let's not spoil Singapore's image with these black sheeps. What about those who bought?

According to survey by Durga, Anita and ME!, statistic have shown that in 3 hours:
we asked 335 people, at a rate of 1.86 (3 significant figure) person per minute and only managed to sell 12 tickets!

For a detailed brakdown,
Only after askin 108 people, then did we managed to sell our 1st ticket
And after asking 103 people did we manage to sell our 2nd
Another 20 was asked before a kind lady offered to buy a tikcet from each of us. MUACKZ!
So we asked another 14 before we sold our 6th ticket
And another 7 people before we sold our 7th
Coincidentally, another 7 before our 8th ticket
And 11 more others before our 9th
WONDERFULLY, another 1 person before another one was sold
20 more people before we sold our 11th
and finally, 32 people before we sold our final one!

But i believe our record breaker was "(oops! i forgot your name)" who sold more than a booklet of 10 BY HERSELF! KUDOS!

After this experience, anyone else willing to go through this again?I believe I am... as a volunteer tommorrow :( I'm a volunteer with the FamilyCentre by the way!

Also, I believe the members names and links will be up soon. Let's work together to keep this blog going!

(My name must put BIGBIG!)

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