Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Ok easy on that. I was browsing the previous posts and i find that the command of english by both Constance and Shawn is rather commendable. *claps

On another note, i would really recommend that ELDDS-ian watch more movies. Not only are they good for entertainment, some really good ones ( the international award winning ones) are really good. For example, some of these movies shows the actor potraying wacky and out of the world characters, no? Look at Johnny Depp, he is a really understated actor. But, his acting is very commendable. I am sure that alot ( sorry, its "a lot", thanks to english class and Mrs. Aidil) of actors did not complete high school. Muahahaha. So those who are always dreaming of making it big in Hollywood, QUIT SCHOOL NOW! Ok just joking.

So what i am recommending is that ELDDS to go for more plays like last last year ( okok. 2006). During those days, we had a lot of plays to attend. For example, Forbidden City and etc. So lets just hope our teachers make the extra effort and find plays that we can go ( most importantly it has to be free like using Edusave, Sgporean mah, everything must free wan) .

So anyways, thats it. Constance and Shawn, keep it up. Oh and to everyone, ELDDS is gonna have a camp somewhere in June if im not wrong. We are lucky, it has been raining the whole week this March holidays and im pretty sure a lot of CCAs are having their annual camp now right? So screw them. Dont complain ELDDS has no camp when others have it, be THANKFUL.



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