Thursday, March 13, 2008

Debate Topics

Hi all! Yong Quan here!

Yeah I was reading the guidelines and realised that there was only one tiny line about debate... So... Here are a few topics to ponder about. It really got me thinking.

Debate Motions (refered from the book titled "Taking Sides")
- This House believes that the news media have a liberal bias.
- This House believes that increasing economic inequality is a serious problem.
- This House believes that the Government is monopolized by Big Buisnesses.
- This House believes that the Government should intervene in a Capitalist Economy.
- This House believes that welfare reforms does not benefit the poor.
- This House believes that doctor-assisted suicide should be legalized for the terminally ill.
- This House believes that drug possesion and drug trafficking should be decriminalized.
- This House believes that globalization is good for mankind.
- This House believes that one of the main reasons for divorce is because of communication problems. (This is quite bias... but we still can think about it)

Some food for thought, I guess... Think about them and share your thoughts on the tagbox!

Have fun for the rest of the holidays!

Yong Quan

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