Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Here's something else

Okay peoples, it's Constance back from lunch.

I was thinking, besides CCA stuff and announcements, we can post some stuff we wish to share.

Like for eg. reflections (not the boring kind, feel free to talk. check shawn's post on the donation drive), anything! Reviews about food, music, movies, public figures, issues, days, humour, politics ... (let's go easy on this one, it's not very nice to find someone's excuse for not coming to cca marked as "arrested")

Yeah, and do post how it relates to Eldds or how you want it to relate. Or if you just wanna share with us, that's fine! We're a welcoming committee ^^

Not to mention, Sec 3s and 4s should have received the details about the blog and email's pword etc. if you have not, the email should be coming to you, i am checking later. For sec 2s and 1s, priviledges will come soon! But anyways, if you guys want to post, or if you are picked to do a post, just approach any of the seniors with the necessary info.

Also, for pictures, it will not be stored under this blog, otherwise it would be pretty difficult to check info. It would be under an image hosting website. *waits for someone to volunteer pics. camera. host* links would be given too.

Keep the tags coming. and thanks! Anita, i believe you would be doing a post now (:

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